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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Controlling Your Reaction It Results Happiness

Happiness is a matter of how we react the situation. According to Matt. 5:5 "Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth." before anything else what is meek? meek means strength under control. In natural realms we have strength and weakness. Strength it can be positive or negative attitude but if you control both ways you are a meek person. And if you are a meek person as promise you can inherit the earth.

Our reaction determines our happiness, the big question how you react when someone serves you, are you an understanding or a demanding, when someone disagree with you are tender or violent, when someone hurts you are actor or reactor, when someone corrects you are you teachable or unreachable. meek person is an understanding, tender, teachable, and actor.
So lets us start changing ourselves into a meek person so that we become pleasing unto the eyes of God and in the community as well. As we submit ourselves to God little by little or from glory to glory we become same as his character.

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